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- Lower Than Atlantis : Safe In Sound (2017)
- Nothing But Thieves : Nothing But Thieves (2015)
- Twin Atlantic : GLA (2016)

vendredi 28 août 2015

Muse - The Handler - Lyrics

You (you, you)
Were my oppressor
And I (I, I)
I have been programmed to obey

Now (now, now)
You are my handler
And I (I, I)
I will execute your demands

Leave me alone
I must dissociate from you

Behold (hold, hold)
 My trance formation
And you (you, you)
 Are empowered to do as you please

My mind (mind, mind)
Was lost in translation
And my heart (heart, heart)
Has become a cold and impassive machine

Leave me alone
I must dissociate from you

I won't let you control my feelings anymore
I will no longer do as I am told
I am no longer afraid to walk alone
Let me go
Let me be
I'm escaping from your grip
You will never own me

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